The AHS Athletic Boosters are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, federal tax identification #94-2650418

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Awards & Fundraising

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The Hornet Boosters primary purpose is to coordinate fundraising efforts to support AHS athletic programs.

Where does the money go?

To ensure the safety and well-being of all student athletes, we help pay for supplies, equipment, transportation, and other needs for individual teams as well as the athletic department as a whole.

Some examples of funding Boosters has provided to the athletic department:

  • School’s purchase of a new 12-passenger van
  • Softball field maintenance & supplies
  • Thompson Field major field renovation
  • Weight-room equipment, supplies & maintenance
  • Coaches CPR training
  • Team jackets
  • Coaches certifications
  • Gas for AHS team vehicles
  • Sports equipment for a number of the different teams
  • Transportation for teams to games/meets/matches

Boosters has also supported individual teams with items such as:

  • Cross Country & Track: starter pistol, discus ring, long jump pit, team banner, transportation expenses
  • Women’s Golf: paid for trip to NCS, NorCal and State championship, plus championship patches
  • Badminton: shuttlecocks,  netting, transportation expenses
  • Water Polo: balls,  safety caps, ball cart and other equipment
  • Swimming: swim caps; lane markers
  • Women’s Soccer: uniforms, balls, bags
  • Men’s Soccer: practice goals, new goal frames
  • Volleyball: balls, uniforms, nets, team jacket embroidery
  • Softball: batting helmets, bats, pitching machine, balls, sliding mat, mat for Batting Cage
  • Women’s Basketball: uniforms
  • Men’s Basketball: uniforms
  • Baseball: cost of umpires JV and Var, Lincoln Park storage shed
  • Football: equipment,  game support personnel
  • Cheerleaders: sweaters
  • Mascot: purchased Hornet mascot,  “Buzzy” costume

Team Awards

The AHS Athletic Booster’s primary purpose is fundraising to support AHS athletic programs. We encourage teams to contact us for consideration of any needs your team may have. Boosters’ intention is to provide as much assistance as possible to AHS Athletics.

Awards process and criteria:

Please download the “Award Process & Criterial pdf below to view the guidelines. There may be exceptions or request that don’t fit exactly into the guidelines. Please always feel free to contact us if there is anything your team needs.

To request an Award, please submit the Online Award Request form or download the “Award Request form pdf below and submit via email to the AHS Athletic Boosters President.

Awards by Team for 2022-2023 Season

Cheer 4550$
Football 4452$
Men's Soccer 4383$
Women's Soccer 2365$
Softball 6453$
Men's Tennis 3820$
Women's Tennis 1750$
Men's Volleyball 1800$
Women's Volleyball 3209$
Wrestling 3742$

An additional over $3,000 was awarded for general athletic department expenses for a total of nearly $40,000 in awards!