The AHS Athletic Boosters are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, federal tax identification #94-2650418

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  /    /  FAQs

Why are there still funding issues if the we just passed Measure B1 for school funding?

Measure B1 (2016) was not a new tax, it simply extended an existing parcel tax to support our schools. Income essentially stayed the same, while athletic costs continue to rise.  These costs include officials fees, transportation, and infrastructure needs, just to name a few.

Is it true that the bigger sports — like football and basketball — get a bigger share of booster funds?

That’s a common misconception. ALL monies collected by the Hornet Boosters from Player Donations, Membership Upgrades, Fundraising Events and Snack Bar sales go into a “general” Boosters account. Coaches (or parent team reps) from all sports can make requests for ‘awards’ from the Boosters when they need assistance for their teams. ALL sports teams at Alameda High receive funding assistance from The Boosters.

Doesn’t the school provide funding for school sports?

Yes, the school does provide some funding, but with inflation, aging facilities, and increasing costs along with continual team needs (supplies, uniforms, etc.) the Boosters are being asked more and more to pick up the slack and provide funding – not only for individual teams, but also for athletic infrastructure maintenance and improvements that support ALL Alameda High students.

What types of things do the boosters support?

The Boosters provide financial support for a wide array of Hornet sports needs ranging from team equipment, travel expenses, and field/facility maintenance and upgrades.

​Additionally, the Boosters purchased a large 12-person van to be used (in conjunction with existing vans) for transportation to away games/matches.

As a parent, what can I do to support the boosters?

There are several things you can do to help.​

  1. VOLUNTEER – We’d love to have more parents participate in Booster activities. In particular, we need every team to have a Team Parent Representative. Being a Parent/Team rep means helping out your coach by attending monthly Booster meetings and communicating information between your coach, the Boosters and the other parents on your team. To continue supporting Alameda High teams, we really need every family to do their share.
  2. JOIN – To support our teams, we’re asking every family to support their athlete(s) with a $75 per athlete, per sport donation. All donations to Boosters are tax deductible.
  3. UPGRADE – Additionally, for those who have the means – we encourage Booster Membership upgrade donations, which come with substantial benefits.