The AHS Athletic Boosters are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, federal tax identification #94-2650418

Let’s connect



  /    /  Cheer

Meet Our Team

Please contact the coach or team parent for more information or to be added to future communications.

Ann Bloxberg

Head Coach

Sabrina Chamberlain

Asst./JV Coach

Karen Cowell

Stunt Coach


Team Parent

Team Info


Effort 100/100
(Putting forth 100% effort, 100% of the time) 

AHS Cheerleading

Support AHS Cheer getting to the National Cheerleading Competition!

The Hornets Cheer program is primarily funded through generous donations from family, friends, and the community. These funds allow us to maintain our program by providing basic necessities, maintaining equipment, and promoting team building.

The Hornets Cheer team has qualified to go to Nationals in Anaheim this February 13th – 17th! This may be a first in AHS cheer history! In order to go, we need your help. We have a $20,000 goal and appreciate any donations made – every dollar counts and every dollar is a tax write-off!

Team Pics



Team Credo

The core of our philosophy is TEAM. As team members, we are now FAMILY.  All team members agree to uphold the AHS Cheer Team Credo, assuring a sense of belonging for all and making a positive impression in the local community – especially in our school.

As a TEAM, we CARE about each other, our school and our community. We believe that with open and honest communication at all times, we can keep our TEAM bond strong. We will have each other’s backs, leave problems at the door, and whatever happens in cheer, stays in cheer. We will be the team that others look up to by being role models and leaders in our school and community.

We must present ourselves as if we are on stage 100% of the time, striving for high quality in everything we do. We will maintain the equipment we are privileged to use and keep our team uniforms in immaculate condition. We will consistently be friendly, helpful, approachable, reliable and encouraging to others. We will use social media wisely and THINK BEFORE WE POST, knowing that NOTHING IS PRIVATE and can be easily misinterpreted and/or hurtful to the team.

We are responsible to, and respectful of, our teammates.  Everyone must be considered and valued as an individual.  We will respect their dignity and recognize their contribution to the team. All must feel free to give praise, but also offer suggestions and express concerns without fear of resentment or offending.

To demonstrate how much we CARE about each other, our school and our community, we will be committed, accountable, and respectful, contributing 100% effort for 100% of the time.

Being COMMITTED means attending all practices even when injured, if able to do so, knowing that even if we can’t participate, our being present shows support for our teammates and ensures we are learning our material. To show we are committed we will consistently arrive early so we are ready to train at start time. We will listen attentively, follow instructions, value the coaching we receive and not complain if things are not going our way.

Being ACCOUNTABLE means accepting our mistakes and failures, learning from them and not passing the blame onto other team members. To show we are accountable we will support each other, knowing that it doesn’t matter whose job it is, only that the task at hand is accomplished and meets the high standards expected of the team.

Being RESPECTFUL means being courteous and kind, accepting each other despite our differences and being open to advice, knowing we can all learn from each other. To demonstrate respectfulness, we will listen attentively to our coaches and teammates and we will help each other be the best that we can be.

Contributing our 100% EFFORT, 100% of the time means going above and beyond what is expected of us and never giving up. We will be positive at all times knowing that negative self-talk is self-destructive and inhibits our efforts. We will set challenging goals and work hard to achieve them. Above all, we will be proud and hold our heads up high, maintaining a strong, confident posture that communicates our self-worth and motivates others to do the same.

We will uphold the pride and tradition of the Alameda High School Hornets through the unification of the student body, alumni and fans. We will support as many athletic events as possible and promote a positive game-day atmosphere for Alameda High School and its’ athletes.


If you have any questions regarding your team’s budget or spending, please contact your coach or team parent.

View our 22-23 season budget

Request previous budgets here