The AHS Athletic Boosters are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, federal tax identification #94-2650418

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Support AHS Athletics

Join AHS Athletic Boosters

We are excited to have your child participating in athletics at Alameda High School. AHS Athletic Boosters is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit which raises funds to supplement the AHS Athletic Department budget, benefiting ALL sports teams at Alameda High School.

Did you know, the Boosters contributes a significant portion of the funds needed to run the AHS Athletic Program?

We can’t do that without your help!  Below are several ways you can contribute. Please note a couple items when making your selections:

  1. This website functions just like any on-line store.. Add all the items you want into your cart and check out with one transaction. There is no need to process a separate transaction for each item.
  2. You will automatically receive a receipt for your tax-deductible donation upon processing of your order.
  3. You will also be able to see a history of your purchases in your account any time, including printing duplicate receipts for your donation if necessary.
  4. For your security, we do NOT store any credit card information. We accept VISA, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.

Please contact our Webmaster if you have any trouble using the website.

DON’T FORGET – as a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, all donations to AHS Athletic Boosters are tax deductible. Our federal taxID# is 94-2650418.

ALSO – if you have not already registered your child on ArbiterSports (formerly FamilyID), you can get started HERE.

step 1: Boosters Basic Membership

We are often asked why a family should donate via a Boosters membership instead of directly to their athlete’s team. Your Boosters membership DOES benefit your child and his/her team. Did you know:
  • Boosters covered more than half of the purchase of an additional van for the athletic department last year
  • Boosters has awarded over $500,000 to the athletic department and individual teams since 2012

Basic Membership donations are applied to the general fund benefiting all teams by covering expenses such as these as well as transportation, gas for the school vans, equipment, uniforms, etc.

Additionally, if teams have at least 90% of their roster purchase a Basic Membership, Boosters is often able to fund their team specific award requests at 100%, as compared to only 50% for teams under 90% participation.

A Basic Membership is $75 per athlete per sport. So, if you have two (2) students who each play two (2) sports, the total donation would be $300.

2 athletes x 2 sports x $75 = $300

Step 2: Upgrade Your Membership

In order to sustain our quality, competitive athletic programs, we strongly encourage all parents and supporters who are able, to upgrade their Booster Membership.

There are three (3) levels of upgrades outlined below. Choose which is best for you. You do not need to upgrade all of your Basic Memberships, only one per family.

*This is an upgrade to a Basic Membership. You must include at least one (1) Basic Membership, or have previously purchased one in order to upgrade your membership.

  • $ 200
    plus at least one Basic Membership
    • AHS Swag Pack
    • One (1) SPORT SPECIFIC Season Passes
    • One (1) ticket to the Sting
  • GOLD
  • $ 350
    plus at least one Basic Membership
    • AHS Swag Pack
    • Two (2) SPORT SPECIFIC Season Passes
    • Two (2) tickets to the Sting
  • $ 500
    plus at least one Basic Membership
    • AHS Swag Pack
    • Two (2) ALL SPORT Annual Passes
    • Two (2) tickets to the Sting
  • Sport Specific Season Pass is good for one (1) sport season — choose from Women’s Volleyball, Football, Women’s Basketball, or Men’s Basketball.
  • All Sports Annual Pass is good for all sports (must upgrade to Platinum status)
  • Passes are good for HOME GAMES only. They do not include away games, tournament games, or play-off games.
  • Once an upgrade is purchased, we will provide a link to access your ticket via GoFan.

Step 3: Direct Team Donations

Alameda High School offers 21 different sports. Approximately 400 students participate each year; that’s about 1/3 of the student body. This is a great value, but also involves significant expense that the District and AHS are not able to fully cover.

The Boosters memberships help fund general items benefiting all sports, but individual teams still typically end up with a shortfall in covering all the expenses for a season. Your individual team donation goes directly and specifically to that team for use toward season expenses. Please check with the coach or team parent for details on a team’s budget.

If your team requested donation has already been determined, click “select options” on the right and choose your team from the dropdown menu. The cost will populate automatically. If it has not been determined, you can either enter a custom amount of your choosing, or make your donation via the Boosters website later in the year.

Step 4: Volunteer

Boosters is a volunteer run organization. There are many ways you can help. After all, our success means greater funding available for AHS Athletics. Some of the ways you can get involved are:
  • Help with the annual Hornet Sting Coaches Celebration
  • Become a team parent
  • Attend monthly Booster meetings
  • Help solicit sponsors
  • Help solicit donations for the raffle and silent auction at The Sting
  • Run for office on the Boosters board
If you would like to get involved, please contact the Boosters president.

Thank you for your support of AHS Athletics!