The AHS Athletic Boosters are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, federal tax identification #94-2650418

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  /  Scholarships

Alameda High School Athletic Boosters
Scholarship Program

The Alameda High School Athletic Boosters has established a scholarship program of four (4) separate and distinct scholarships of $500 each to be awarded annually to graduating seniors

  • Scholarship nominations must be submitted by the head coach of the student-athlete’s team sport.
  • A head coach may submit one (1) nominee for each of the four scholarships, but each submission must be a different graduating senior student-athlete. In other words, one head coach may not nominate the same student-athlete for multiple scholarships.
  • If a student-athlete is nominated for more than one scholarship, by different coaches in different sports, the AHS Athletic Boosters Board will take this into consideration. However, a student-athlete may not be awarded more than one scholarship.
  • Nominated student-athletes must be seniors who both competed in and completed the season during the current school year.  The nominees must also qualify for graduation at the end of that same year.  
  • Nominated student-athletes must illustrate sportsmanship both on and off the field.
  • Best Teammate and Scanlan Davis Derrick nominees must have a minimum of one year of play in their sport.
  • Nominated student-athletes must have a minimum 2.50 GPA for all years attending high school. NOTE: Best Academic Athlete scholarship requires a minimum 3.75 GPA all four (4) years of high school.
  • Nominated student-athletes must have a school attendance record of 95% or better for all year(s) attending AHS. 
  • Coaches should consider student-athletes participation and attendance at practices and games.  A minimum percentage of attendance is not required, however, the AHS Athletic Boosters Board recommends coaches consider nominees with good attendance for their sport. 


All nominations will be reviewed and selections made by the AHS Athletic Boosters voting board members with the exception of the AHS Athletic Boosters member who serves as the “Scholarship Coordinator.” This board member will redact any and all information that references the student athletes name, sport or coach so voting by the other members is blind. The redacted submissions are forwarded to the voting members of the AHS Athletic Boosters Board to select the scholarship recipients. AHS Administration will verify school attendance and GPAs for nominated student athletes. In the event of a tie in any of the scholarship categories, the AHS Athletic Director will serve as the deciding vote based on the redacted nomination submissions.   

All nominations must be completed and submitted each year by May 1st at 5:00 pm. Nominations will be submitted using the on-line AHS Athletic Boosters Scholarship Nomination form on the website. 

The submitted on-line nominations go to the member of the AHS Athletic Boosters Board serving as the “Scholarship Coordinator.” AHS Administration  is responsible for confirming school attendance for all nominated student athletes and the GPAs of student athletes nominated for the Best Academic and Best All Around (Scanlan Davis Derrick Award) nominations.

The AHS Athletic Boosters Scholarship Selection Committee will then meet on an agreed upon date at committee members’ earliest convenience to select scholarship recipients.  

Scholarships will be presented to the recipients at Senior awards night. Those student athletes nominated, but not selected will receive a letter of recognition from the AHS Athletic Boosters to be distributed by the student athletes’ coach.


Nominate an Athlete

SCHOLARSHIPS ($500 each)

*NOTE: Nominations are accepted from the head coach of the nominated athlete’s sport only. 

Scanlan Davis Derrick Award (Best All Around) Natural & talented athlete, positive attitude, consistently gives best effort, team leader, exhibits strong character and composure both on and off the field, is respected and liked by both teammates and coaches

Best Academic AthleteMinimum 3.75 GPA all four (4) years of high school, exceptional performance in both academics and athletics

Best Athlete  – Made Varsity team by sophomore year, consistently exhibits outstanding performance in their sport, strong work ethic, focused and disciplined

Best Teammate Inspirational, supportive, good sportsmanship, committed to team and teammates, exhibits humility and is a joy to coach


22-23 Recipients

Best Athlete:
Ashlie Nakano – Softball

Best Academic Athlete:
Hannah Kwon – Women’s Golf

Best Teammate:
Abigail Lam – Women’s Golf

Scanlan Davis Derrick / Best All Around Athlete:
Elek Strong – Men’s Tennis
Christian Baca – Football

Thank you to the Derrick Family for their $500 donation in order to award two scholarships in their son, Scanlan’s, name.