The AHS Athletic Boosters are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, federal tax identification #94-2650418
*This item is an upgrade to a Basic Membership. You must include at least one (1) Basic Membership, or have previously purchased one in order to upgrade your membership.
Sport Specific Season Pass is good for one (1) sport season — choose from Women’s Volleyball, Football, Women’s Basketball, or Men’s Basketball.
All Sports Annual Pass is good for all sports (must upgrade to Platinum status)
Passes are good for HOME GAMES only. They do not include away games, tournament games, or play-off games.
Once an upgrade is purchased, we will provide a link to access your ticket via GoFan.
*This item is an upgrade to a Basic Membership. You must include at least one (1) Basic Membership, or have previously purchased one in order to upgrade your membership.
Sport Specific Season Pass is good for one (1) sport season — choose from Women’s Volleyball, Football, Women’s Basketball, or Men’s Basketball.
All Sports Annual Pass is good for all sports (must upgrade to Platinum status)
Passes are good for HOME GAMES only. They do not include away games, tournament games, or play-off games.
Once an upgrade is purchased, we will provide a link to access your ticket via GoFan.
*This item is an upgrade to a Basic Membership. You must include at least one (1) Basic Membership, or have previously purchased one in order to upgrade your membership.
Sport Specific Season Pass is good for one (1) sport season — choose from Women’s Volleyball, Football, Women’s Basketball, or Men’s Basketball.
All Sports Annual Pass is good for all sports (must upgrade to Platinum status)
Passes are good for HOME GAMES only. They do not include away games, tournament games, or play-off games.
Once an upgrade is purchased, we will provide a link to access your ticket via GoFan.
The Richard Bullock, Sr. Memorial Fund is in honor of lifelong Alameda resident and Alameda High School graduate Richard Bullock, Sr. and benefits the general fund supporting all athletics at Alameda High School.
We are often asked why a family should donate via a Boosters membership instead of directly to their athlete’s team. Your Boosters membership DOES benefit your child and his/her team. Did you know:
Basic Membership donations are applied to the general fund benefiting all teams by covering expenses such as these as well as transportation, gas for the school vans, equipment, uniforms, etc. Additionally, if teams have at least 90% of their roster purchase a Basic Membership, Boosters is often able to fund their team specific award requests at 100%, as compared to only 50% for teams under 90% participation.
Donations to the general fund are used for things such as transportation for teams, facility improvements, individual team award requests, and general Booster expenses. While we are run entirely by parent volunteers, we are still a business and have expenses such as insurance, website maintenance, supplies, etc. Your donation to the general fund is much appreciated!
Everyone’s financial situation is different, and sometimes a family could use a little help from those more able. You can help a team reach their goal of Booster’s Basic Memberships by sponsoring an athlete – for any sport, for any amount you choose. The recipient does not need to be identified. Just chose the sport and amount you would like to donate, and that amount will be credited directly toward a team’s Basic Membership total.
This sponsorship is for Boosters Basic Memberships only. If you would like to donate extra toward a team’s requested donation, you can do that via the Team Custom Donation.
Thank you for your support of AHS Athletes!